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Saw this asset on "aggregator page" of cc-by-sa4 license. As like for CC0 it allows ai training. Because of current non existent laws about ai lets consider two possible universes:

1. Training AI on work means deriving the work: AI and anything created with it must credit you. Something like: the work was created by AI which was trained on works of <you> under <license name>. If we talk about SA versions of CC licenses which just add copyleft, so the work created by that AI also must be under

2. Training AI on work DOESN'T means deriving the work:

You won't be credited by AI or user of that AI but it will more likely mean it is legal to train AI on any art (maybe even when author said "no ai" but maybe they will "respect" author wish (but it can't be proved/checked))

Anyway "no AI" and CC licenses aren't compatible

Thanks for the input, mate! Since that conversation about CC0 I have been thinking about what license to use for my paid asset packs and what to change about it. Maybe something as you described on the other topic, a simple, custom license describing what it can and can’t be used for and call it a day.

Love this asset. I hope more will come soon with more characters, VFX and animations. Thanks for your work. :)

Thank you for your kind words, mate! I am glad you are digging it. As of right now I am getting a few tilesets done, once they are done I will move to the next topic in order to cover all the bases before moving back to either charsets or VFX. But I will surely will get back to those, as soon as possible!

OOi, seria interessante postar as dimensões dos inimigos.

Opa, é pra já! Isso acabou passando batido, obrigado!

Não estou conseguindo comprar através do Brasil.

Wilson, habilitei Boleto/Pix no Stripe, agora não sei se a integração com vai permitir que use esses métodos de pagamento. Quanto ao Paypal, parece que só cartão internacional mesmo. Enquanto isso vou vendo outras soluções.

Te mandei uma mensagem no Insta, poderia me aprovar? Não consigo completar compra aqui

Não recebi a DM! De qualquer forma, envie de novo e te respondo por lá :)

These colors are amazing! Do you use specific color palette?


I do, yes! It took me some time to figure out my palette, but here is the version that I currently use:

It mostly lack “pure” colours, so everything has a tint of something else. Like, no pure reds, but magenta instead. No pure grey, but greyish blue instead and so on. But then again, by combining them you can create the illusion of a third colour if something is missing.

Lovely work! I can see myself creating awesome game with more content to come. :) You are definitely onto something 

That is so great to hear, mate! I will bring more content on that same line as soon as possible. Will cover every essential topic first - tileset, charsets, portraits and so on - before further expanding any of those. Maybe more modular/smaller batches of content, so I can get all bases done ASAP.